JACC | Formalizing Medical Education in Cardiology

In a recent paper published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Lakshmi S. Tummala, MD, FACC, and Christy L. Kaiser, MD, FACC, address the need for formalized medical education in cardiology, explore the use of technology in medical education and opportunities for curriculum development and outline teaching principles aimed to guide efforts.   

"In truth, every cardiologist, regardless of their practice setting, must be an effective educator, as we constantly share new information with patients and peers," they write. "Unfortunately, a gap exists between the importance of training cardiologists to be effective educators vs actual resources directed toward this end."

In a response to the article, Jeffrey T. Kuvin, MD, FACC, emphasizes the role of effective teaching in bridging this gap.

"We have, in large part, moved from traditional teaching methods to multisource, digitized learning environments, including simulation and virtual reality, and these changes are just the beginning," Kuvin writes. "We need to bear in mind the real-time shifts in technology and science, continually refine mechanisms and methods of conveying information, and support present and future generations of teachers with the proper tools."

Read the original article here.