The American College of Cardiology is committed to improving diversity and inclusion within the cardiovascular workforce and the College's leadership and membership, and recognizes the success of its mission to transform cardiovascular care and improve heart health is dependent on including people, as members and as leaders, who provide a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, ideas and perspectives.
The Latest
- NEW! Apply now for ACC's Pediatric Resident Cardiology Mentorship Program, application and eligibility criteria here. Please email Maghee Disch (mdisch@acc.org) with any questions.
- Now Available! - 2023 Gender Minority Stress Survey
- Building Respect, Civility, and Inclusion in the Cardiovascular Workplace: Health Policy Statement
JACC | PDF | Key Points to Remember | News Story | Introduction to Building Respect Slides | Case Presentations and Discussion Guide | Featured Citations | Strategies For Uncivil Behavior | Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policies - Stress and Cardiometabolic Disease Risk for Indigenous Populations throughout the Lifespan
- Do Female CV Disease Patients With Female Physicians Fare Better?
- Guide to Discussing Racism, Race and Ethnicity in Professional Settings
- LGBTQIA+ Terminology to Build Your Vocabulary
- Majority of CVD Program Directors Feel Diversity Needs to Increase, Many Not Sure How
- Race and Ethnicity in Heart Failure: JACC Focus Seminar 8/9