Latest Issue of CardioSource WorldNews: Interventions Explores the Benefits of Miniaturization in Tech

The cover story in the latest issue of CardioSource WorldNews: Interventions reflects on the evolution and miniaturization of technology while highlighting the most recent innovations in interventional equipment, with specific mention of 3-D imaging catheters, “the world’s smallest veno-arterial extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation system and stick-on heart monitors.” Other articles include a featured guest commentary by Gerard R. Martin, MD, FACC, and Jeffrey P. Jacobs, MD, FACC, who discuss data transparency in regards to congenital heart disease, in addition to an interview with Rebecca Hahn, MD, FACC, about her recent paper in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, which reported on the first in-human successful transcatheter tricuspid valve repair. The issue’s featured ACCEL article examines the coronary slow flow phenomenon and coronary artery spasm. Read the full issue here.