Quality Improvement for Institutions Program Debuts

The Pulse of ACC | The ACC in January launched its new Quality Improvement for Institutions program designed to bring together the ACC’s cardiovascular data registries, as well as hospital-based quality improvement initiatives under one umbrella. Hospitals and their care teams already participating in the NCDR are automatically part of the new program and have access to hospital-specific clinical toolkits, quality initiatives including Hospital to Home, the Door to Balloon Alliance, and new initiatives such as Surviving MI, as well as opportunities to participate in innovative ACC pilot programs like Championing Care and Patient Navigator. In addition, hospitals have access to a special online recognition kit designed to help them promote their dedication to quality clinical care and improved patient outcomes. Find out if your hospital is participating at CVQuality.acc.org.

Keywords: Hospitals, Quality Improvement, Registries, Patient Navigation, Cardiology Magazine, ACC Publications

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