PERFECT: Erectile Function and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Following Endovascular Revascularization

Endovascular revascularization of obstructive pelvic arterial lesions could improve erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms, according to the results of the PERFECT Trial presented at TCT 2016.

Researchers, led by Tzung-Dau Wang, MD, assessed the erectile function and lower urinary tract symptoms of 173 patients with obstructive pelvic arterial lesions and erectile dysfunction who underwent CT angioplasty. The primary endpoints included in-segment binary restenosis by the 8-month follow-up, and sustained clinical success in erectile function and in lower urinary tract symptoms at 12-month follow-up. 

The results of the study showed that at 8-month follow-up, CT angiographic binary restenosis had occurred in 66 patients. Further, at 12-month follow-up, 105 patients had achieved sustained clinical success in erectile function, while clinical success in lower urinary tract symptoms occurred in 83 patients who previously reported moderate or severe symptoms. Researchers found that the “clinical success rate in lower urinary tract symptoms was significantly higher in patients not developing binary restenosis”.

Wang, et al., note that “the approximately 90 percent sustained clinical success rate in patients not developing restenosis [is] encouraging. However, for lesions located in the distal internal pudendal and penile arteries, the 40 – 50 percent restenosis rate remains a hurdle.”

Keywords: Angiography, Angioplasty, Arteries, Erectile Dysfunction, Follow-Up Studies, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, Male, Penis, Tomography Scanners, X-Ray Computed, Pelvis, Penile Erection, Registries, Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics

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