The ACC Program Directors and Graduate Medical Educators Section (PD & GME) and Leadership Council is the home for members of the graduate medical educators in the cardiovascular training community within the ACC.

The goals of the Section include:

  • Bringing together stakeholders (including providers, educators, and learners) involved in the training of the future CV health care workforce.
  • Developing an Educational Research Consortium and facilitating coordinated education research to advance knowledge of best educational practice in CV training.
  • Developing and providing faculty development for educators in CV health care.
  • Providing a centralized repository of tools and resources to assist Program Directors and Program Coordinators.
  • Assisting Program Directors and Program Coordinators navigate program accreditation and recruitment.

The Section's mission is to facilitate the training of the future cardiovascular physician workforce and to serve as a resource for salient issues in the profession. Section members will also work within the College to advance cardiovascular science and practice through research and education, establish training criteria and guidelines and influence health care policy.