ManageAnticoag appManageAnticoag helps clinicians navigate periprocedural planning and bleed management scenarios for patients on oral anticoagulants (OAC). The app is comprised of three tools to support the following clinical decisions:

  • Planning Periprocedural Interruption and Bridging – evaluates whether and how to interrupt and bridge anticoagulation as part of periprocedural planning for patients with nonvalvular AFib
  • Addressing an Acute Bleed – manages acute major and non-major bleeds, including the suggested use of reversal/hemostatic agents
  • Determining Anticoagulation Restart – determines whether and how anticoagulation should be restarted for patients in whom anticoagulation has been interrupted

To use the app:

  • Select which tool best applies to the patient scenario: Plan Periprocedural Interruption and Bridging, Address an Acute Bleed, or Determine Anticoag Restart.
    • Enter patient details as prompted in the selected tool
    • View individualized guidance on the advice screen
    • Email a summary of the advice
  • Use the Quick Reference section to access supporting information and details such as "Guidance for Anticoagulation Reversal/Hemostasis" and "Components of the Clinician-Patient Discussion."

The information in this app was derived from the 2020 Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Management of Bleeding in Patients on Oral Anticoagulants and the 2017 Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on Periprocedural Management of Anticoagulation in Patients with Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation. The information and recommendations in this app are intended to support clinical decision making. They are not intended to represent the only or best course of care, or to replace clinical judgment for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Use of this app assumes clinicians will conduct a full evaluation of the patient, consult relevant medical specialists as needed, and utilize a team based approach to optimize therapy. In addition, therapeutic options should be determined after discussion between the patient and their care provider.

The app is part of ACC's Anticoagulation Initiative, a comprehensive quality effort to improve care for patients on anticoagulation therapy. Support for the app was provided by Boehringer Ingelheim, Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. and Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All content was independently developed with no sponsor involvement.

To download the app for free, use the links below, or search "ManageAnticoag" on the web or in your app store.

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