ACCEL Lite: SUMMIT Trial: Tirzepatide for Heart Failure, Preserved Ejection Fraction and Obesity

The SUMMIT trial compared the safety and efficacy of tirzepatide among patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and obesity. Results from the trial concluded that treatment of obesity reduces major heart failure events in addition to improving health status and exercise tolerance.

In this interview, Drs. Alison Bailey and Milton Packer examine the power of tirzepatide expanding beyond weight loss and treating diabetes in addition to reducing heart failure events in patients with obesity-related HFpEF.

Related References:

  1. Packer M, Zile MR, Kramer CM, et al., for the SUMMIT Trial Study Group. Tirzepatide for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obesity. N Engl J Med 2024;Nov 16:[Epub ahead of print].

Clinical Topics: Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies, Prevention

Keywords: ACCELLite, AHA24