ACC and CRF Announce Partnership on American College of Cardiology’s Innovation in Intervention: i2 Summit
Contact: Amy Murphy,, (202) 375-6476
The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) announced today a multi-year partnership to jointly sponsor the ACC i2 interventional cardiology meeting in Orlando, Fla., March 28–31, 2009, during ACC.09, the ACC’s 58th Annual Scientific Session and the world’s premier cardiovascular meeting. This will be the beginning of a five-year partnership committed to collectively developing the interventional component of the ACC Annual Scientific Session.
The ACC’s Innovation in Intervention: i2 Summit in partnership with the Cardiovascular Research Foundation in Orlando will deliver in-depth and cutting-edge science provided in a forum for both general cardiologists and interventional specialists, educating and guiding physicians, as well as cardiac care team members, to the next level of knowledge and practice. The meeting will emphasize the translation of evidence-based science and clinical trial data into daily interventional practice.
“We are honored to partner with the ACC to organize and enhance the preeminent interventional cardiology meeting of the spring,” said Gregg W. Stone, M.D., Chairman of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation and professor of medicine at Columbia University Medical Center/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. “The annual scientific session of the American College of Cardiology represents a unique opportunity to introduce the latest advances in interventional medicine to the greater cardiology community. It is our hope that CRF’s expertise in cutting edge medical education will help appropriately translate evidence-based science into clinical practice.”
“The i2 Summit will offer unsurpassed evidence-based content, presented by leaders in interventional cardiology, and this collaboration brings together the strengths and expertise of both the ACC and CRF to deliver an unparalleled program that appeals to all cardiovascular professionals,” said ACC President Douglas Weaver, M.D. “The ACC is committed to providing more value to attendees at our meeting by having a wide venue of educational opportunities for physicians including state-of-the-art updates, late breaking clinical trials and education required for credentialing and recertification.”
The program committee will assemble a broad-based group of domestic and international interventional cardiologists and other heart disease specialists to provide a forum for interventional cardiology experts to discuss new developments within the field as well as a focused venue to train, educate and guide their colleagues in intervention and cardiac care. The program will feature late-breaking clinical trials, case-based education, and analysis of advances in treating diseases of the coronary, vascular, and peripheral vessels as well as pediatric and structural heart disease.
In the coming weeks, additional details about the meeting will be announced.
About the ACC
The American College of Cardiology is leading the way to optimal cardiovascular care and disease prevention. The College is a 34,000-member nonprofit medical society and bestows the credential Fellow of the American College of Cardiology upon physicians who meet its stringent qualifications. The College is a leader in the formulation of health policy, standards and guidelines, and is a staunch supporter of cardiovascular research. The ACC provides professional education and operates national registries for the measurement and improvement of quality care.
About CRF
The Cardiovascular Research Foundation is an independent, non-profit academically focused organization dedicated to improving the survival and quality of life of patients with cardiovascular disease through research and education. For over 18 years, CRF has played a major role in realizing dramatic improvements in the lives of patients by establishing the safe use of new technologies and therapies in the subspecialty of interventional cardiology and endovascular medicine. For more information, please visit