The American College of Cardiology Applauds Congressional Passage of the “Family Smoking Prevention & Tobacco Control Act”
Contact: Amanda Jekowsky,, 202-375-6645
Washington, DC—The American College of Cardiology (ACC) applauds the Senate action today to pass the “Family Smoking Prevention & Tobacco Control Act” which grants the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authority to regulate tobacco products. The bill will grant the FDA the authority to restrict tobacco marketing and sales to youth; require detailed disclosure of ingredients; allow FDA to require changes to tobacco products; and require larger, more specific health warnings. The Senate passed the bill today by a vote of 79-17. The House on April 2 approved the bill in a 298-112 vote.
“After many years of trying to pass this legislation, today Congress has taken a stand and this goes a long way in keeping tobacco products out of the hands of children. At long last Congress has chosen to end the special protections for the tobacco industry and protect our children and our nation's health instead” said Jack Lewin, M.D., CEO of the American College of Cardiology.
The American College of Cardiology has been a long-time advocate for this legislation, working alongside the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids.
Nearly one-fifth of deaths from cardiovascular disease are attributable to smoking — deaths that are preventable. Each day, 3000 children begin smoking in the United States, and each year another 1 million young people will become regular smokers. One of every 3 of these adolescents will die prematurely as a result of tobacco use. The ACC believes the federal government has a responsibility to help keep cigarettes and other tobacco-related products out of the hands of children through proper advertising, marketing, and other enforcement mechanisms.
The American College of Cardiology is leading the way to optimal cardiovascular care and disease prevention. The College is a 36,000-member nonprofit medical society and bestows the credential Fellow of the American College of Cardiology upon physicians who meet its stringent qualifications. The College is a leader in the formulation of health policy, standards and guidelines, and is a staunch supporter of cardiovascular research. The ACC provides professional education and operates national registries for the measurement and improvement of quality care. More information about the association is available online at .
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