Statement from ACC President Ralph Brindis Regarding HHS’s Electronic Health Records Announcement
Contact: Amy Murphy,, 202-375-6476
American College of Cardiology (ACC) President Ralph Brindis, MD released the following statement in response to the Departmentof Health and Human Services (HHS)releasing final regulations for the first two years of the Health InformationTechnology for Economic and Clinical Health Act.
The American College of Cardiology is working with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) to disseminate information about the new electronic health records (EHR) to physicians and to encourage the adoption of electronic health records.
“Technology has long made everyday life easier and our health care system took a critical step towards ensuring that technology will make our lives healthier today now that the final regulations regarding electronic health records have been unveiled. EHRs are a key component to increasing the quality of health care while reducing cost. The American College of Cardiology applauds the CMS and the ONC for moving the country forward and we appreciate them listening to cardiologists and for ensuring that we implement meaningful use in an appropriate fashion.
The changes to the core requirements will make it easier for physicians to comply and encourages practices to begin implementation and adoption of EHRs. The Computerized Provider Order Entry will help improve quality while reducing medical errors and costs.
The College and its membership have long been advocates for wide-spread implementation of EHR as well as well as leading innovators of EHR technology. A substantial number of cardiovascular practices currently use EHRs and that will grow as the role of ACC registries and practice networks such as Pinnacle become more important for integration.
As a member of the steering committee, the ACC and its members will provide feedback directly to CMS and ONC and we will work with Dr. Blumenthal so that meaningful use is both ambitious and achievable.”
The American College of Cardiology is leading the way to optimal cardiovascular care and disease prevention. The College is a 39,000-member nonprofit medical society and bestows the credential Fellow of the American College of Cardiology upon physicians who meet its stringent qualifications. The College is a leader in the formulation of health policy, standards and guidelines, and is a staunch supporter of cardiovascular research. The ACC provides professional education and operates national registries for the measurement and improvement of quality care. More information about the association is available online at