The American College of Cardiology on CMS' Changes to the Meaningful Use Stage 2 Rule
Contact: Katie Glenn,, 202-375-6472
WASHINGTON (Apr 13, 2015) -
A statement from American College of Cardiology President Kim Allan Williams Sr., M.D., FACC, on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' decision to modify Stage 2 of the Electronic Health Record Incentive Program:
"The American College of Cardiology is very pleased that CMS has taken the recommendation of the medical community to shorten the 2015 reporting period. We understand some of the intricacies that led to long period of deliberation on this matter. We hope to continue to work with CMS on the final elements of the proposed Stage 3 rule and its impact on our members and patients in terms of quality, costs and access to care.
"Electronic health records will continue to grow as an important tool for physicians. We agree that the proper implementation of meaningful use requirements is critical for optimal patient care. We appreciate the corrective actions released by CMS," said American College of Cardiology President Kim Allan Williams Sr., M.D., FACC.
The American College of Cardiology is a 49,000-member medical society that is the professional home for the entire cardiovascular care team. The mission of the College is to transform cardiovascular care and to improve heart health. The ACC leads in the formation of health policy, standards and guidelines. The College operates national registries to measure and improve care, provides professional medical education, disseminates cardiovascular research and bestows credentials upon cardiovascular specialists who meet stringent qualifications. For more information, visit