Dr. Andrew P. Miller Named Chair of ACC Board of Governors
Contact: Katie Glenn, kglenn@acc.org, 202-375-6472
ORLANDO (Mar 12, 2018) -
Andrew P. Miller, MD, FACC, has been elected chair of the American College of Cardiology Board of Governors and secretary of the Board of Trustees, the main governing body of the ACC, for 2018-2019. His term begins today as the ACC’s 67th Annual Scientific Session ends in Orlando.
Miller will lead 66 governors from chapters representing all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico and the U.S. Uniformed Services. The Board is the grassroots governing body of the College.
“As we continue our mission to transform cardiovascular care and improve heart health, I am honored to represent the diverse ACC membership as the Board of Governors’ chair over the next year,” Miller said. “It will require the entire cardiovascular care team working together not only in practice around the country but also at the state and national level to ensure our voices are heard on behalf of our patients. Collaboration is key to our constant efforts to provide high quality, patient-centered care. It is a privilege to serve our members and patients in this role.”
Miller has more than 13 years of experience in both academic and private practice. He currently serves as a physician leader at CardioVascular Associates, an integrated practice of more than 30 cardiologists in Birmingham, Alabama. Prior to his current role, Miller was the associate director of the cardiology fellowship, vascular biology and hypertension programs at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
At the state level, Miller has been an active member of ACC’s Alabama Chapter since 2001. He has served as the Alabama Chapter governor since 2015. Previously, he chaired the Education Committee from 2008 to 2014. Miller has been active in national ACC programs for the last 13 years, including service on the Geriatric Cardiology Section Leadership Committee. He led the development of the ACC’s geriatric cardiology curriculum, known as Essentials of Cardiovascular Care in Older Adults.
Miller graduated from Miami University and the Indiana University School of Medicine with honors. He completed his residency and fellowship training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Other officers for the ACC for 2018-2019 are President C. Michael Valentine, MD, FACC; Vice President Richard J. Kovacs, MD, FACC; and Treasurer Howard T. Walpole, Jr. MD, MBA, FACC.
The American College of Cardiology is the professional home for the entire cardiovascular care team. The mission of the College and its more than 52,000 members is to transform cardiovascular care and to improve heart health. The ACC leads in the formation of health policy, standards and guidelines. The College operates national registries to measure and improve care, offers cardiovascular accreditation to hospitals and institutions, provides professional medical education, disseminates cardiovascular research and bestows credentials upon cardiovascular specialists who meet stringent qualifications. For more, visit acc.org.