Anticoagulation For Stroke Prevention in AFib Solution Set

The Anticoagulation For Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Solution Set is a one-stop-shop for clinicians who manage patients with AFib in their everyday practice.
Check out the tools and resources below and find the best one for your needs:
Clinical Policy
ACC’s Expert Consensus Decision Pathways (ECDPs) provide practical guidance in areas where evidence may be limited, new and evolving.
- Periprocedural Management of Anticoagulation: Provides guidance on whether and how to interrupt and bridge anticoagulation as part of periprocedural planning for patients with nonvalvular AFib.
- Bleed Management in Anticoagulation: Offers practical guidance on how to manage bleeding in a patient treated with anticoagulants for any indication including the need for reversal/hemostatic agents and the appropriateness and time of restarting anticoagulation.
Visit the AFib Guideline Hub, to access additional resources and information, including the Guidelines for the Management of Patient With AFib.
Mobile Apps
ACC’s Clinical App Collection includes the latest science and ACC policy and are intended to be used by clinicians to support conversations with their patients.
- AnticoagEvaluator: Helps clinicians make informed decisions on antithrombotic therapy initiation for patients with AFib.
- ManageAnticoag: Navigates periprocedural planning and bleed management scenarios for patients on oral anticoagulants.
- CardioSmart Heart Explorer App: Uses high-resolution cardiac graphics and animations to help effectively discuss common heart problems and treatment options with patients.
Clinician Tools
ACC’s clinician tools provide guidance for clinicians at the point of care. They are intended to be downloaded and leveraged in the hospital and/or office setting.
- Clinical Infographics:
- Guidance for Anticoagulation Reversal/Hemostasis Fact Sheet
Shared Decision-Making Tools
ACC’s shared decision-making tools are an essential part of the clinician-patient relationship. Considering the current evidence, they discuss the potential benefits and risks of a patient's options, improving accuracy of the patient's risk perception and clinician satisfaction. Done properly, these decision aids help clinicians navigate patients' wide-ranging therapy options along with consideration of the patients' goals.
Anticoagulation Shared Decision-Making Tool: Includes a personal risk calculator and interactive decision aids that help clinicians and patients choose the best option regarding anticoagulation therapy for individual patients with AFib.
Additional Decision Aids are available at CardioSmart.org/DecisionAids.
Patient Resources
Educational materials and tools developed to increase patient engagement and improve the patient-clinician dialogue are available in the CardioSmart AFib Hub.
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