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Full Session Recordings

Recording of Clinical Trial Research Program | November 9, 2020
A three-hour recording of the November 9, 2020 ACC program, Clinical Trials Research: Upping Your Game plenary sessions. Recording includes presentations and panel discussions on the following topics: Fundamentals of Clinical Trial Research and Research, Ethics and Funding.
Program chairs are Pamela Douglas, MD, MACC, Tracy Wang, MD, FACC and Mary Norine Walsh, MD, MACC.
This program was supported in part by Bristol Myers Squibb.

Recording of Clinical Trial Research Program | November 10, 2020
A four-hour recording of the November 10, 2020 ACC program, Clinical Trials Research: Upping Your Game plenary sessions. Recording includes presentations and panel discussions on the following topics: Getting Started in Clinical Trials, How Will Clinical Trials Change, and a Career Planning Session discussion.
Program chairs are Pamela Douglas, MD, MACC, Tracy Wang, MD, FACC and Mary Norine Walsh, MD, MACC.
This program was supported in part by Bristol Myers Squibb.