ECG Drill and Practice

Improve your ECG interpretation skills with ECG Drill & Practice! This program reviews key findings in clinical electrocardiography and also contains a self-assessment ECG test, featuring the format and answer options similar to those of the ABIM’s certifying examination in cardiovascular disease. It’s a great resource for anyone preparing for initial Board certification in CV disease and for anyone looking to hone their ECG interpretation skills.

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Three convenient modes let you use this product in whatever way best meets your needs.

  • Learn Mode: Teaches you how to recognize/differentiate ECGs across the topics above.
  • Drill/Practice Mode: Shows you ECGs “flash cards” that you can practice interpreting. Turn each card over to see the answer and explanation.
  • Perform: Practice interpreting ECGs using the ABIM’s interpretation list. Receive detailed commentary on how your answer compares to the experts’.

Topics covered include:

  • Chamber Enlargement & Hypertrophy
  • Conduction Disturbances
  • Selected Aspects of Myocardial Ischemia & Infarction
  • Other Causes of ST-T and U-Wave Abnormalities
  • Miscellaneous Patterns, Clinical Disorders, & Additional Examples of Cardiac Arrhythmias

Expiration Date: Your access to this product will expire on March 31, 2022.