Call For Applications For NCDR Chief Scientific Adviser

The ACC is seeking applications for a NCDR Chief Scientific Adviser, a part-time contract position that reports to the NCDR Oversight Committee and ACC senior leadership staff of the NCDR. The Chief Scientific Adviser provides scientific leadership and subject-matter expertise for NCDR, NCDR committees, and ACC executive leadership on quality-of-care measurement and benchmarking, clinical registry operations, and cardiovascular outcomes research to help the NCDR meet its strategic goals and use of its data for quality improvement and clinical research. All resumes should be submitted to Nicola Kennedy, ACC Chief People Officer, at by Saturday, July 10.
The NCDR Chief Scientific Adviser will provide expert consultation in matters of data set development, health informatics, quality measurement, quality reporting, research and methods:
- Work directly with NCDR lead staff (as part of the NCDR executive team) to support NCDR strategic goals, research, clinical quality programs and registry operations.
- Serve on the NCDR Oversight Committee, working in collaboration with the NCDR Oversight Committee Chair. Contribute to NCDR Oversight Committee strategic planning (as science/quality/research subject-matter expert).
- Serve as NCDR leadership resource for the NCDR Clinical Science and Quality committee and subcommittees and for the NCDR Research and Publications subcommittees.
- Engage in key discussions with other ACC committees (e.g., Task Force for Performance Measures); ad hoc calls/meetings regarding research/science/clinical registry operations issues; and external organizations (e.g., FDA, CMS, NIH, NHLBI, academic research organizations).
- Facilitate cross-ACC collaborations, e.g., with the ACC Innovation Program, Science and Quality, International, Business Development, MedAxiom.
- Assess scientific validity, feasibility and soundness of uses of NCDR data for potential new research or reporting opportunities.
- Provide review and evaluation of data analytic center work products and deliverables, such as analytic plans, risk models, abstracts and manuscripts, and/or clinical event adjudication, as requested.
- Provide back-up support (or second opinion) on issues of clinical measurement and reporting, including NQF endorsement, system reports, payer programs and public reporting.
- Augment NCDR staff, when needed, in scientific discussions with potential vendors, partners and collaborators. Advise on contract/legal issues (as clinical/research/science subject matter expert), when requested.
- NCDR annual budget review/input, working with lead NCDR staff and the Senior Executive Vice President.
Over the course of 12 months, approximately 500 hours of work would be expected, (or 10-11 hours per week spread over 48 effective working weeks in one year), above and beyond the volunteer standard of 226 hours per year. A typical week would include one hour per day dedicated to answering NCDR Chief Scientific Adviser email, two hours per week of regularly scheduled teleconferences with NCDR staff, one hour per week of ad hoc phone calls, and two hours per week of reading scientific or technical documents. Teleconferences and most ad hoc phone calls will occur during ACC's business hours, Eastern Time.
The following are considered additional volunteer activities: weekly Oversight Committee teleconferences, twice per year Oversight Committee Retreats, speaking roles at the annual NCDR user's meeting.
FACC leader with:
- Exceptional experience and credibility in clinical registries, quality measurement and reporting, and observational/outcomes research, with willingness and skill to engage in lively discourse, build consensus and influence decisions.
- Expertise in clinical research and statistical methods and techniques, with willingness and skill to troubleshoot conflicts with data analytic centers and investigators.
- Deep knowledge of NCDR programs, processes, data elements, outcomes reports and data quality program.
- Track record of leadership and decision-making within the context of ACC committees and membership.
- Advanced degree in statistics or epidemiology or equivalent work experience.