Cardio-Obstetrics Journal Club: Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Join the ACC's Cardio-Obstetrics Work Group for a discussion highlighting the recent JACC State-of-the-Art Review article on Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. Our goal is to provide education and awareness about cardio-obstetrics diseases, new evidence, and best practices in care. We also hope to provide a platform for discussion amongst the journal author panel fueled by questions from attendees.

The target audience includes general cardiologists, obstetricians and other healthcare professionals with an interest in cardio-obstetrics.

Zoltan P. Arany, MD, PhD
Malamo Countouris, MD
Adam Crosland, MD, MPH
Melinda Davis, MD, FACC
Uri Elkayam, MD, FACC
Dennis McNamara, MD, MS, FACC