Atrial Fibrillation: Updates for Patients and Families

Webinar Overview

During this webinar, patients and their families will receive the latest information about atrial fibrillation (AF) and its management. Topics covered will include lifestyle modification for AF management, medications and ablation for management of AF, and stroke prevention with AF.

Key Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

  1. Lifestyle modification for atrial fibrillation management
  2. Medications and ablation for management of atrial fibrillation
  3. Stroke prevention with atrial fibrillation

Webinar Participants

Jim W. Cheung, MD, FACC
Pamela Kay Mason, MD, FACC
Anne M Kroman, DO, PhD
Ijeoma Ananaba Ekeruo, MD, FACC
Rachita Navara, MD

Credit Information

No credit is being offered for this webinar.

Clinical Topics: Arrhythmias and Clinical EP
