Cardiometabolic Health of the Pregnant Patient

Webinar Overview

Cardiovascular disease is a major contributor to maternal mortality in the U.S. Cardiometabolic comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and hyperlipidemia are associated with both short- and long-term cardiovascular complications in the pregnant patient. Optimizing cardiometabolic health prior to conception and providing longitudinal care in patients who develop cardiometabolic complications during may mitigate the risk this risk. This webinar will discuss how to assess and treat cardiometabolic disease in the pregnant patient and explore the role of post-partum clinics in closing gap on longitudinal care in this vulnerable population.

Key Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

  1. How to assess the cardiometabolic health of patients prior to and during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
  2. Describe how the cardiometabolic comorbid conditions impact long term adverse cardiovascular outcomes and describe the role of postpartum clinics in mitigating this risk.
  3. Explore how social determinants of health impact the cardiometabolic health of pregnant and post-partum patients.

Webinar Participants

Eric Brandt, MD, MHS, FACC
Jaya Janadhyala, MD
Deirdre Mattina, MD, FACC
Joanne Mazzarelli, MD, FACC
Marie-Louise Meng, MD
Johanna Rachel Quist-Nelson, MD
Indranee Rajapreyar, MD, FACC

Credit Information

No credit is being offered for this webinar.

Clinical Topics: Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Disease, Prevention

Keywords: Cardio-Obstetrics