A 48-Year-Old Man With Familial Hypertension

Editor's Note: Based on the 2013 Blood Cholesterol, Lifestyle Management, Obesity, and Risk Assessment Guidelines.

A 48-year-old man with FH and history of 3-vessel coronary artery bypass surgery 7 years ago sees you now for statin intolerance. The maximum dose of statin that he can tolerate is rosuvastatin 10 mg twice a week. On more frequent dosing he developed shoulder, low back, and thigh aching without weakness and a normal CK level. He had similar symptoms on low doses of simvastatin, atorvastatin and pravastatin. On rosuvastatin 10 mg twice a week, his most recent LDL–C was 168 mg/dL, triglycerides were 138 mg/dL, and HDL–C was 46 mg/dL.

Which of the following statements is the most correct answer?

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