Atrial Tachycardia With Fluctuating Cycle Length Post Multiple Atrial Fibrillation Ablations

A 66-year-old man with five prior atrial fibrillation (AF) ablations was referred for electrophysiological evaluation following recurrent supraventricular tachycardia resulting in tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy with an ejection fraction of 38%. After dofetilide failure, amiodarone suppressed the tachycardia, and his ejection fraction recovered to 60%. He discontinued amiodarone, fearing long-term side effects. An electrophysiological study was performed, and an atrial tachycardia with two distinct, alternating cycle lengths was easily induced with burst pacing (Figure 1). Attempted entrainment at one location in the left atrium is shown (Figure 2). Ablation at this location resulted in the tachycardia cycle length becoming fixed, and then the tachycardia terminated (Figure 3).

Figure 1

Figure 1
Atrial burst pacing induced a reproducible tachycardia with a cycle length fluctuating between 485 and 586 ms. ABL d = distal ablation catheter; ABL p = proximal ablation catheter; CS = coronary sinus catheter; LS = left atrial halo catheter (alternate electrogram pairs are shown because, other than LS 1, 2, all other left atrial halocatheter electrode pairs did not record any discernible electrogram).

Figure 2

Figure 2
Attempted entrainment from the mapping catheter in the left atrium. As the surface P was diminutive, the time interval from stimulus (ablation distal pair electrodes) to LS 3,4 electrodes was measured. This is equal to the interval between the ablation distal electrogram to LS 3,4 electrogram during tachycardia. Post pacing interval while pacing at 450 ms was equal to the shorter of the two tachycardia cycle lengths (485 ms).

Figure 3

Figure 3
Termination of the tachycardia during ablation at the point of attempted entrainment. Note that the block occurred in the centralisthmus between the high-frequency component (solid arrow) and the low-frequency component (star) of the multicomponent fractionated electrogram.

Which of the following statements describes the mechanism of tachycardia?

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