Dissected the Coronary and Lost Wire Position: What to Do Next?

Figures A - G: Dissected the Coronary and Lost Wire Position: What to Do Next?
A 73-year-old man presented with a non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography revealed severe lesions in the mid and proximal right coronary artery (RCA) (Figure A). After predilation, a dissection was noted at the mid-RCA lesion (Figure B). During attempts to deliver a 3.0x38 mm stent guide and wire position was lost. Blood flow past the mid RCA lesion ceased and the patient developed chest pain and ST-segment elevations. The dissected segment could not be rewired in spite of using several guidewires (Fielder XT, Confianza Pro 12, Pilot 200, Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara California) through a Finecross catheter (Terumo, Somersit, New Jersey) or through a Venture catheter (St Jude, Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Which of following is not an appropriate treatment option at this time?

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