ACC.12 Offers Exciting Opportunities for Early Career Professionals
CardioSourceNews sat down with Andrew Freeman, MD, FACC, chair of the Early Career Cardiologists Council to learn how he became involved with the ACC and what he's most looking forward to at ACC.12 in Chicago.
What are you looking forward to most about ACC.12?
Now that I am several years out of fellowship I look forward to seeing my colleagues from fellowship, my alma mater, and other places I have worked. It is great to re-unite in person with colleagues from all over the country. I also enjoy getting brought up to speed on the latest and greatest information on the diseases I treat and manage.
How did you get involved initially with the ACC?
I was part of the Fellows in Training committee when I was a fellow and I have returned to ACC’s annual meeting for more than five years!
What’s been the most interesting experience you’ve had at an ACC meeting in the past?
I have two interesting experiences to share. One was being able to interact with the giants in Cardiology directly at the smaller ACC sessions and ask probing questions. It was very powerful to learn from the experts directly and in person. My next experience was being a moderator at the ACC fellows case bowl where I got to ask challenging cardiology questions of my peers in an exciting, fast-paced game. The ACC is always doing its best to engage fellows and early career professionals and constantly strives to make the ACC sessions more interesting.
What advice do you have for first-time meeting attendees?
Meet, network, and learn. The ACC meeting is a great time to learn from the experts, see emerging technologies first hand on the exhibit floor, and meet and see colleagues from all over the country. Be friendly, introduce yourself and ask questions to get the most out of your meeting!
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