Members Tackle Key Issues Facing Cardiology at 2013 Legislative Conference



In September, nearly 400 cardiovascular professionals from across the country gathered in Washington, DC, to help shape the future of the nation’s health care during ACC’s 2013 Legislative Conference.

“In the midst of the most pivotal time period for health care, having the entire cardiac care team come together to tackle the looming health care challenges is more important than ever,” said ACC President John Gordon Harold, MD, MACC.


2013 ACC Legislative Conference
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The conference kicked-off with an ACC Political Action Committee-sponsored reception and dinner featuring keynote remarks from Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Bob Woodward. His speech, titled “Presidential Leadership and the Price of Politics,” was the centerpiece of a fascinating and thought-provoking evening and set the stage for the conference.

The second day was filled with educational sessions on the hot button issues impacting cardiovascular professionals from coast to coast. Congressional staff, health care policymakers and ACC leaders shared insight into the state of cardiology, the current landscape on Capitol Hill, payment reform trends and more, arming the entire cardiac care team with information and tools necessary to effect change on both the state and national level.

On the final day of the conference, Rep. Phil Roe, MD (R-TN), was announced as the winner of the ACC’s 2013 President’s Award for Distinguished Public Service. Roe received the honor for continually leading the charge to protect the future of cardiovascular health care and improve existing health reform efforts.

Then, it was off to Capitol Hill where ACC members accelerated advocacy efforts that increase access, reduce disparities and reward value during more than 300 meetings with congressional leaders. Sustainable growth rate repeal, Affordable Care Act implementation, In-Office Ancillary Services Exception preservation, and the role of guidelines and registries in quality improvement were widely discussed topics during the meetings.

For more highlights from the conference, visit Mark your calendars for the 2014 Legislative Conference, Sept. 14 -16.

Keywords: Washington, Quality Improvement, Registries, Cardiology, Delivery of Health Care, United States

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