CMS Releases Final 2014 Physician Fee Schedule and HOPPS Rule
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on Nov. 27 released two final regulations of note to cardiovascular professionals. These rules determine the payment levels and associated policies for services provided under the Physician Fee Schedule and the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (HOPPS). Overall, the rules indicate a 1.7 percent increase in payment for hospital outpatient services. The 24 percent reduction that was mandated by the Sustainable Growth Rate formula has been delayed as a result of Congress' budget deal that was reached in late December. See more on that issue here. Changes unrelated to the SGR result in a 1 percent increase for services provided by cardiologists.
In addition to the overall payment changes, there are a number of provisions of particular importance for cardiovascular professionals.
Take a closer look at the Physician Fee Schedule and HOPPS Rule. You can also view a slide deck with information on what the 2014 Physician Fee Schedule and HOPPS rules mean for cardiology and how the ACC helped influence the final rules.
ACC has several resources to help members navigate the 2014 rule:
- Review a webinar on 2014 cardiovascular coding changes.
- Review a webinar on navigating PQRS and the Value-Based Modifier in 2014 and beyond.
- View a slide deck on
- Reserve your copy of the 2014 CPT Guide for Cardiovascular Coding, your one-stop resource for efficiently and accurately reporting cardiovascular services and procedures. A 2014 Express Reference Card for Cardiology is also available.
- Attend ACC's Cardiovascular Summit, Jan. 16-18, 2014 in Las Vegas, which will feature several sessions related to changes in the final rule.
Clinical Topics: Cardiovascular Care Team
Keywords: Outpatients, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S., Fee Schedules, Budgets, United States, Prospective Payment System
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