From the President: A College Built By Giants Looks to The Future
Bernard of Chartres said “that we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness on sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.”
As the College celebrates its 65th Anniversary this year, it’s important that we pay tribute to the “giants” of cardiology who came before us — those like Franz Groedel, MD, MACC, Bruno Kisch, MD, MACC, Eliot Corday, MD, MACC, Simon Dack, MD, MACC, and so many others. This issue of Cardiology does just that with an up-close look at the College’s rich history, with excerpts from the new book that I’m co-authoring with James Forrester, MD, FACC, as well as a graphic depiction of the College’s biggest milestones throughout history. In addition, current, past and future ACC leaders provide their thoughts on the College’s biggest accomplishment over the last 65 years.
In addition to looking back, this issue of Cardiology also looks forward to the future. Learn more about what Patrick O’Gara, MD, FACC, plans for his ACC presidency and get to know the great slate of future “giants” set to lead the College starting this March. Also don’t miss the special feature outlining the College’s new Strategic Plan. Board of Governors’ Chair David May, MD, PhD, FACC, also provides an overview on the current state of ACC Chapters, and the big issues facing cardiovascular professionals across the country moving forward.
Of course we’d be remiss if we didn’t spotlight ACC.14 in Washington, DC. It’s fitting that in its anniversary year the College will be hosting its Annual Scientific Session in a city that was truly built “on the shoulders of giants.” Get a closer look at the just-announced Late Breaking Clinical Trials, featured lectures and distinguished awardees. This year’s meeting, as always, has something for everyone.
It has truly been a pleasure and a privilege to lead the ACC over the past year, especially at a time of such change. I would like to thank those “giants” who helped make me what I am today, the ACC leaders and staff who so diligently work to fulfill the mission of the College, and the cardiovascular professionals around the world who have dedicated their lives to advancing the lives of those living with, or at risk, of heart disease. The College exists for — and because of — you!
Thank You!
John Gordon Harold, MD, MACC
ACC President
Keywords: Washington, Heart Diseases, Pleasure, Books, Cardiology
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