ACC Statement on Gun Violence and Workplace Safety

Gun violence is a public health emergency. It continues to permeate our daily lives – both personally and professionally. The heart-breaking events of the last few weeks, including this week's shooting in a medical office in Tulsa, only further underscore the urgent need for sensible solutions to mitigate what has become a public health crisis. These events also highlight the importance of ensuring a culture of safety within the places we work and live, including hospitals, schools, supermarkets, places of worship, or elsewhere. Violence anywhere, including the workplace, is unacceptable and must be prevented.

The ACC, working through the American Medical Association and its House of Delegates, continues the call for pragmatic solutions to gun violence, including funding of objective research to identify and address root causes. Additionally, the College through its focus on clinician well-being, prevention of bias, discrimination, bullying and harassment as well as advocacy efforts to improve access to mental health services, continues to develop resources and tools to support clinicians and their patients who face the potential threat of gun violence daily in their personal and professional lives. The safety and well-being of our members and patients is paramount and at the core of our current efforts to enhance professionalism and well-being guidance tied to guaranteeing the security and welfare of all clinicians and their patients. Improving heart health starts with clinicians and the communities they serve having a safe place to live, to work, and to receive care.

Keywords: Gun Violence, Workplace, Workplace Violence, Public Health, American Medical Association, Mental Health Services, Professionalism, Hospitals, Bullying

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