Raise CHD Awareness – Design a Tie!
The American College of Cardiology is looking for a new tie design and would like to use this effort to raise awareness for Congenital Heart Disease. As such, the ACC is hosting a contest for patients, parents and CHD colleagues who are willing to share their artistic flair.
Please consider encouraging any artists to submit a design for the ACC’s new tie. The tie will debut at ACC.16 and will be available with a profile of the artist and information about our nation’s number one birth defect, congenital heart disease. The winning artist will be profiled in ACC’s communication channels. Additionally, a portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to the ACC’s CHD Quality Improvement Fund, which has been established to support QI efforts in Congenital Heart Disease.
The College thanks you for your consideration and help in this effort and continues its efforts in increasing awareness of congenital heart disease.
Deadline for submissions is January 8, 2016. Please email acpcsection@acc.org with any questions.