New Podcasts Address Conflict Management in the Workplace; Medical Professionalism

Recent episodes of ACC's Practice Made Perfect podcast address two important nonclinical competencies and career development topics.
In "Conflict Management in the CV Workplace: How do I Get Out of Trouble?," ACC Immediate Past President C. Michael Valentine, MD, MACC, and ACC staff member Rosanne Nelson discuss the dynamics of conflict, which of the five most common conflict managements styles is most effective, and tips and strategies for navigating difficult conversations.
In an episode on medical professionalism, Alison Bailey, MD, FACC; Martha Gulati, MD, MS, FACC; John P. Erwin III, MD, FACC; and Garima Sharma, MBBS, FACC, discuss medical professionalism in the cardiovascular workforce and on social media, as well as ACC's role in providing resources to support medical professionalism.
See all Practice Made Perfect episodes and the full collection of ACC podcasts.