Geriatric Conditions in Older Adults with Heart Failure: Part 2. Polypharmacy and Medication Overload

This is Part 2 of a four-part Patient Case Quiz.
Click to access: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Mr. C is an 85-year-old male referred in 2017 for a second opinion with cardiology for episodic "whiteouts."

The focus on Part 2 of this series is polypharmacy:
Mr. C's cumulative number of prescribed medications are: 12
Mr. C's number of prescribed cardiovascular medications are: 7

For further review of individual medications and original case: [Original patient case scenario here].

Case Question #2: Can Mr. C be defined as having polypharmacy and can decreasing medication burden (deprescribing) be considered on an ethical basis?

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