PQRS and the Value-Based Modifier

Heart of Health Policy | Physicians who do not report at least three physician quality reporting system (PQRS) measures in 2014 will be subject to a 2 percent penalty in 2016. In order to receive a 0.5 percent bonus for 2014 reporting, physicians must report on nine measures covering three “domains.” The domains define types of measures, such a patient safety or efficiency. Almost all methods of reporting that were available for reporting PQRS in 2013 will be available in 2014. There are two eliminated options. First, physicians will no longer be able to report on “measures groups” via claims. These “measures groups” include a series of measures on the same patients. Measures groups may still be reported via registries. Legislation passed at the beginning of 2013 required CMS to accept successful registry participation as a substitute for PQRS participation. The ACC has offered participation in PQRS through its outpatient PINNACLE Registry for many years. These new regulations could expand that opportunity to additional members and additional measures.

Keywords: Physicians, Registries, Outpatients, Patient Safety, Cardiology Magazine, ACC Publications

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