A New Year for the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection
Another year has passed for the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection. Aiming to be the professional home for the entire congenital and pediatric cardiology cardiovascular team, we strive to curate up-to-date digital content relevant to our practice. This past year, our Collection has covered various topics with the over-arching objective of providing clinical guidance for patient care. We have discussed the emergence of "new subspecialties" and how what was old is new once again. Topics that improve cardiovascular health across the lifespan and affect the practice of our subspecialty now and in the future have been highlighted. Journal Scans have been carefully hand-picked based on the ACC.org Editorial Board's review of the tables of contents of leading medical publications to summarize the "latest in cardiology." Our site serves as an easy-to-access repository for useful clinical tools, such as a method for transition from pediatric to adult care of the patient with CHD and a North American congenital cardiology clinic directory, both products of the hard work of the various workgroups of the Adult Congenital and Pediatric Cardiology Council.
There are now opportunities for members to earn maintenance of certification (MOC) credit when participating in certified patient cases. We are proud that members have volunteered content that has been published as Patient Case Quizzes and Clinical Images of educational value. Please contact Beverly Vandenburg at bvandenburg@acc.org to propose topics for discussion or submit interesting cases for digital publication.
We endeavor to reduce members' burdens by providing practical tools to navigate the competing demands on the limited time clinicians have, with the ultimate goal of optimizing clinical practice and improving patient outcomes. This site seeks to be the voice of the ACPC section and serve the needs of its growing membership, now over 2000. On behalf of Robert H. Beekman III, MD, FACC, Ami B. Bhatt, MD, FACC, and Robert "Jake" D. B. Jaquiss, MD, FACC, associate editorial team leads of the Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Topic Collection, we are grateful for your continued interest. This is your site and we always welcome your suggestions. We look forward to a New Year!
Clinical Topics: Congenital Heart Disease and Pediatric Cardiology, Congenital Heart Disease
Keywords: Heart Defects, Congenital
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