ACCEL Lite: AHA Late-Breaker ORBITA-2: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Stable Angina: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial

ORBITA-2 was designed to test whether stents reduce angina more than a placebo procedure in patients with single or multivessel disease on little or no antianginal medication at 12 weeks of follow up.

In this interview, Christopher Rajkumar, MD, Rasha Al-Lamee, MD, and William E. Boden MD, FACC, discuss AHA Late-Breaker: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for Stable Angina (ORBITA-2): A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial.

Related References:

  1. Nowbar AN, Rajkumar C, Foley M, Ahmed-Jushuf F, Howard JP, Seligman H, Petraco R, Sen S, Nijjer SS, Shun-Shin MJ, Keeble TR, Sohaib A, Collier D, McVeigh P, Harrell FE, Francis DP, Al-Lamee RK. A double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial of percutaneous coronary intervention for the relief of stable angina without antianginal medications: design and rationale of the ORBITA-2 trial. EuroIntervention. 2022 Apr 22;17(18):1490-1497. doi: 10.4244/EIJ-D-21-00649. PMID: 35156616; PMCID: PMC9896399.

Clinical Topics: Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, Stable Ischemic Heart Disease, Chronic Angina, Noninvasive Imaging

Keywords: ACCELLite, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Angina, Stable, AHA23

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