As a health care professional, you have limited time to spend with industry representatives. To ensure that your interactions with pharmaceutical and medical device company representatives are effective and efficient, the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) has created a new CV Essentials Program. With comprehensive, thorough, standardized and non-biased education in the field of cardiology, medical and device representatives can become your partners — supporting positive health outcomes for your patients.
The ACCF program extends well beyond the training that most industry representatives receive, which is often focused on a company’s specific medical therapy or device, and provides the education and skills that representatives require to hold in-depth, informed discussions with health care professionals. Representatives can complete individual modules which are focused on specific topics within cardiology such as acute coronary syndromes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, imaging, peripheral vascular disease and more. The ACCF program covers subjects that are important to you, including clinical knowledge, disease mechanisms and clinical treatment. Plus, industry representatives will be required to stay current by participating every two years, ensuring that they stay up-to-date on the most important topics.
Look for the ACCF CV Essentials logo on your representatives’ business cards.