Anticoagulation Center

Global CV Institute


Welcome to the Global CV Institute’s Anticoagulation Center!

Given the prevalence of poor cardiovascular outcomes among patients with Anticoagulation, effective care requires skilled counseling by experts with a deep understanding. Traditionally these disciplines have been fractured across different clinics and departments, reducing convenience for patients, and elevating the risk for conflicting medical advice.

Funded through an Independent Medical Education Grant by Pfizer Inc, with the aim of selecting appropriate anticoagulants for patients with atrial fibrillation and Venus Thrombosis, and in order to identify important cardiovascular risk factors that contribute to Anticoagulation, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) created an education module series. This free, module series serves as an introduction on how to achieve a new, better paradigm in atrial care by providing insights and guidance from global experts at the forefront of anticoagulation medicine.

elearning courses
applying the guidelines
meet the expert webinars
ask the expert patient cases
jacc resources

* Funded through an Independent Medical Education Grant by Pfizer Inc. This is an independent medical education program supported by an educational grant from Pfizer. All program objectives, content, and activities are overseen by the ACC to ensure alignment with latest evidence and practice guidelines.