Follow the ACC FIT Tweeters at ACC.19
Share your #ACC19 experience and engage in continued discussions on social media with your fellow colleagues. You can "attend" multiple Fellow in Training (FIT) Sessions in real time by following this year's ACC FIT Tweeters. Gain immediate highlights from the sessions, including photos and top news. Read below for a for a full list of the ACC FIT Tweeters. For live coverage from Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Sessions, Keynotes and more, follow @ACCinTouch on Twitter and visit
ACC FIT Tweeters:
- Sravya Chirumamilla, MD, @dr_chirumamilla
- Sanah Christopher, MD, @SanChris999
- Nadeen Faza, MD, @NadeenFaza
- Ali Jazayeri, MD, @majazayeri
- Sabeeda Kadavath, MD, @sabeedak1
- Sena Kilic, MD, @skilicmd
- Jay Mohan, DO, @DrJayMohan
- Ujjwal Rastogi, MD, @UjjwalRastogiMD
- Nosheen Reza, MD, @noshreza
- Ada C. Stefanescu Schmidt, MD, MSc, @dradastefanescu
Also, don't forget to follow ACC's FITs on the Go for engaging videos and interviews:
- Martin van Zyl, MBBCH, @DrMvanZyl
- Joel Beachey, MD, @jdbeacheyMD
- Omar Z. Yasin, MD, MS, @oyasin22