JACC FIT/Early Career Page: Rethinking the Modern Cardiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference
Since the medical decisions of Fellows in Training (FITs) and Early Career cardiologists have important, often acute ramifications which directly impact patient safety, morbidity and mortality cardiology-specific morbidity and mortality (M&M) conferences may be of critical importance, according to an FIT/Early Career column published Feb. 18 in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. David A. McNamara, MD, et al., propose a modern M&M conference that is designed to address educational and quality improvement opportunities specific to the field of cardiovascular disease. They note that identifying and addressing systems-level opportunities for improvement requires engagement of all members of the care team, and can result in measurable improvement in the outcomes, safety and quality of care in patients. In a response to the column, Sunil V. Rao, MD, FACC, comments that McNamara provides an outstanding template for a contemporary cardiovascular M&M conference that involves FITs and Early Career cardiologists. He adds, "An important follow-up to the approach advocated by McNamara and colleagues would be to see how many cardiovascular training programs have a cardiovascular M&M conference, and whether the adoption of such conferences leads to tangible improvements in the quality of care." Read more.