Webinars: Finance 101 and 201 For CV Trainees: Essential Financial Topics to Consider Before Finishing Fellowship

Join the ACC for a two-part webinar series on the financial planning all FITs should understand before finishing fellowship.
The part one – Finance 101 – webinar will take place Thursday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m. ET, and will cover the basics of personal finance, including achieving financial stability, planning for retirement, using financial data in negotiation, and understanding investment accounts and options. Register today!
The part two – Finance 201 – webinar will take place Thursday, Oct. 28 at 7 p.m. ET, and will provide a deeper diver into the overall financial picture and discuss the finance principles all FITs should understand before finishing fellowship. Topics will include portfolio strategy, disability and life insurance policies, and essential negotiation skills needed for career and financial planning. Register today!