Renew Your Membership

Your Interventional Member Section and Leadership Council provides a forum for interventional cardiovascular specialists within the ACC and works on overarching strategy for the College's current and upcoming interventional initiatives and activities.

Section members participate in Section meetings, work groups and ongoing discussions, developing a collective voice to advance and advocate the priorities of the community.

Choose to be a voice for the interventional cardiology community—become a part of the Interventional Member Section today! To join, opt in on your member profile at any time, call ACC Member Care at (800) 253-4636 or check the box on your dues statement each fall.

Section Mission

The Interventional Member Section and Leadership Council provides a forum for interventional cardiovascular specialist members within the ACC, and works to develop an overarching strategy for the College's current and upcoming interventional initiatives and activities.

Through section meetings, work groups and ongoing discussions, section members participate in an organized way and develop a collective voice to advance and advocate priorities and increase educational opportunities within the ACC that correspond both to the College's mission and the Section's objectives.

Section Objectives

  • To improve quality of care
  • To strengthen advocacy efforts for the recognition of interventional cardiology and its role in patient care, and for improved access to care
  • To increase the opportunities for interventional education
  • To enhance opportunities for mentoring and career development
  • To foster relationships with other organizations that support interventional cardiology

Section Initiatives

  • Develop overarching strategy for the College's interventional initiatives
  • Coordinate existing and ongoing interventional activities within the College
  • Support the development of new interventional initiatives within the College – both independently and in partnership with other leadership councils
  • Establish work groups to address issues facing interventional cardiologists and ensure the Section membership voice is heard in the College
  • Represent and advocate for interventional members of the College
  • Partner with ACC education staff to develop interventional education initiatives and ACC Scientific Session interventional pathway content
  • Advise ACC quality initiatives pertaining to interventional cardiology, including but not limited to NCDR registries, accreditation services, and other quality-oriented programs
  • Serve as an advisory board for new and existing interventional cardiology documents such as consensus guidelines, appropriateness use criteria and other pertinent research
  • Create regular communication between the Council and Section membership
  • Coordinate with ACC advocacy staff on reviews of policy, coverage, and other matters in the interventional space
  • Partner with other interventional societies and working groups worldwide, as needed
  • Support JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions with regular publications
  • Identify areas of opportunity for the College to collaborate with the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions or other interventional professional societies

Contact Michael Phillips at with any questions or comments regarding the Interventional Member Section.