ACC BOT Approves 2022 Slate of Officers and Trustees to Include Public Member

During its 2021 summer retreat, the ACC Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the College's newest slate of officers and trustees, including the next president and vice president and a new public member position. The ACC Nominating Committee, led by Athena Poppas, MD, MACC, put forth the following candidates for BOT approval, using the College's Leadership Competencies as a guide:

President (2022-2023)
Edward T. A. Fry, MD, FACC

Vice President (2022-2023)
B. Hadley Wilson, MD, FACC

Membership Committee Chair (2022-2024)
Joseph Edward Marine, MD, MBA, FACC

James L. Januzzi, Jr., MD, FACC (2022-2025)
Pamela Bowe Morris, MD, FACC (2022-2025)
Ed W. Childs, MD, FACS (2022-2024)

"These leaders are well-positioned to lead the College in the coming years as we continue through the COVID-19 pandemic and stay focused on our Strategic Priorities and Mission," said Poppas. "The addition of Dr. Childs as a public member of the Board will broaden the perspectives and voices on the Board, providing invaluable new insights and leadership."

The ACC BOT added its first public member in 2014, when Debra L. Ness, MS, was appointed, in an effort to diversify the skillsets and expertise of the Board. Childs will be the Board's first public member since 2017 and an important advancement around best governance for successful boards.

These officers will be officially approved in April 2022 during ACC.22 in Washington, DC. The ACC's Nominating Committee is made up of Poppas, Claire Duvernoy, MD, FACC; Akshay Khandelwal, MD, FACC; Christopher Kramer, MD, FACC; Jeffrey Kuvin, MD, FACC; Michael Mack, MD, MACC; Roxana Mehran, MD, FACC; and Dipti Itchhaporia, MD, FACC (non-voting ex-officio).

The BOT is the centralized governing authority for the ACC and responsible for overseeing decisions related to the College's Mission and Strategic Direction. To learn more about ACC's governance structure, visit

Clinical Topics: Cardiovascular Care Team, COVID-19 Hub

Keywords: Trustees, Leadership, COVID-19, Group Processes, Committee Membership, Government, Pandemics, District of Columbia

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