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ACC Practice Made Perfect: Conversations with Critical Care Cardiologists: Increasing Gender Diversity in Critical Care Cardiology

In this episode, Drs. Rosy Thachil and Shashank Sinha continue their series, "Conversations with Critical Care Cardiologists" sponsored by ACC’s Critical Care Cardiology (CCC) Section. Listen to Drs. Sinha and Thachil as they interview leading critical care cardiologists Drs. Lorrel Toft and Penelope Rampersad who describe their journeys to CCC, as well as their experiences as women practicing in the acute cardiovascular space. Tune in to learn about pathways to CCC, leadership, microaggressions, and strategies to improve representation! Also don’t forget to check out our previous Women in Cardiology CCC webinar at ACC Critical Care Cardiology Clinical Section Webinar: Women in Critical Care Cardiology - American College of Cardiology.


Keywords: PracticeMadePerfect, Women in Cardiology