Douglas P. Zipes Distinguished Young Scientist Award

Douglas P. Zipes, MD, MACC
Nominations Due July 29
The nomination packet, including letters, curriculum vitae and other materials, must be sent by email to Kristin Robertson at no later than July 29, 2024.
Established in 2005, the Douglas P. Zipes Distinguished Young Scientist Award is offered annually to recognize young physician scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of cardiovascular disease and who have amassed an impressive body of scientific research in either the basic or clinical domains.
One awardee will be selected each year and will:
- Be invited to present their scientific work at the ACC Annual Scientific Session
- Be recognized at the Annual Convocation Ceremony
- Receive a monetary prize of $1,000. Travel, housing and registration expenses to attend the ACC Annual Scientific Session will also be provided.
Nomination Criteria
- The recipient must be no more than 12 years removed from receipt of first doctoral degree from an accredited U.S. institution or comparable international training program.
- The recipient does not necessarily need to be an ACC member at the time of nomination.
- The awardee may not be widely known.
Nominations are invited from:
- Both the membership and from the wider national/international community
- U.S. and international cardiovascular organizations, and
- U.S. and international medical schools and/or cardiology departments.
Nominations Process
To submit a nomination, the following must be received by July 29, 2024:
- A nominating letter submitted on letterhead summarizing the curriculum vitae, highlighting those accomplishments that are relevant to the award
- No more than three supporting letters submitted on letterhead
- Nominee's curriculum vitae
- Nominee's list of top 10 (ten) publications and
- Description of nominee's research interests and professional experience relevant to the award.
The nomination packet, including letters, curriculum vitae and other materials, may be sent by email to Kristin Robertson at
For questions regarding the Douglas P. Zipes Distinguished Young Scientist Award, please contact Kristin Robertson at
All nominations must be received by July 29, 2024
Watch the 2024 Douglas P. Zipes Distinguished Young Scientist Awardee Emily S. Lau, MD, FACC discuss her science and advice for future cardiovascular investigators.