Welcome to the home of the fellowship administrators with in the American College of Cardiology (ACC). Explore the accordion below to learn about the Fellowship Administrators in Cardiovascular Education and Training, how to become a member, and what resources are available.

The Fellowship Administrators in Cardiovascular Education and Training (FACET) is a voluntary, professional organization providing education and support resources to those who manage accredited cardiovascular disease, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, advanced heart failure/transplant, and advanced congenital heart fellowship programs. FACET supports and promotes the certification process of the Training Administrators in Graduate Medical Education (TAGME).


The origin of Fellowship Administrators in Cardiovascular Education and Training (FACET) can be traced back to the 2009 ACC Scientific Sessions where, for the first time, a group of cardiology fellowship coordinators met during the inaugural Program Director’s Boot Camp in Atlanta, GA. Although the group was small and the break-out session brief, it was abundantly clear that having the opportunity to connect with colleagues from training programs of all sizes and affiliations, was a much-needed and valuable resource for coordinators of varied experience-levels.

Over the next few years an email network of a few dozen coordinators evolved to a Google group of 160+ members. As an active and informative forum, the Google group platform allowed the exchange of best practices, GME and ACGME-related news and the ability to discuss relevant and challenging issues.

At the same time, program coordinators and administrators were invited back to the ACC Scientific Sessions annually to continue educational and professional workshops. Coordinators Morgan Morris, Karen Mulcahy, Lisa Schirtz-Carroll and Jeanette Wheeler formed the Planning Committee to develop the yearly conference. Growing to a robust 2.5-day program in 2016, the meeting is a highlight for continued learning and exchange of critical GME practices.

In 2014, the American College of Cardiology recognized the crucial role of cardiovascular program administrators by extending an invitation for our Google group to partner with and become an entity within The ACC Cardiovascular Training Section. Forming this alliance allows FACET to pursue a continuously developing platform of excellence for administrators and coordinators of cardiovascular and associated sub-specialty fellowships.


As a part of the ACC, FACET will provide a national advocacy forum supporting the continuous exchange of ideas and information between and including program administrators, training directors and fellows-in-training.

FACET is committed to excellence in cardiovascular graduate medical education and strives to foster a professional learning environment that supports both novice and experienced members. Each member provides professional, ethical administration and management of fellowship programs by exhibiting core values of integrity, dependability, flexibility and loyalty. We embrace the opportunity for diversity and strongly advocate for equality in our profession across graduate medical education programs, institutions and healthcare organizations.

To become an ACC training program administrator member and member of FACET visit our membership page. FACET members would fall under the Affiliate membership category. As a cardiovascular fellowship administrator, please be sure to indicate your professional type as Administrator and professional subtype as Training Program Administrator.

  FACET Leadership
  FACET Leadership

Executive Committee

Cari Harland

Cardiology Magazine Image

Email: cari-harland@uiowa.edu
University of Iowa – Carver College of Medicine
Iowa City, IA

Eva Meunier, BS, C-TAGME

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Email: meunieem@ucmail.uc.edu
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH

Stephanie Plummer

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Email: plummers@iu.edu
Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, IN

Anna Adams, MBA

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Email: adamsan@musc.edu
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC

Lisa Schirtz-Carroll, BS, C-TAGME
Immediate Past Chair

Cardiology Magazine Image

Email: schirtzl@upstate.edu
SUNY Upstate Medical University
Syracuse, NY

Abby Cestoni
ACC Liaison

Email: acestoni@acc.org
American College of Cardiology
Washington, DC


Karen Iavarone

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Email: Karen.Iavarone@sluhn.org
St. Luke's University Hospital
Bethlehem, PA

Erica Santos, C-TAGME

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Email: erica.santos@UTSouthwestern.edu
Dallas, TX

Twyla Sumpter

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Email: tsumpter@usf.edu
University of South Florida, Morsani College of Medicine
Tampa, FL

Theresa Teske

Cardiology Magazine Image

Email: tlteske@medicine.wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI

Jeanette Wheeler, C-TAGME

Cardiology Magazine Image

Email: jwheeler@saint-lukes.org
Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute
Kansas City, MO

Committees – Serving on a FACET committee provides an excellent opportunity to network with others of similar interests, dedication and passion, stay current on emerging issues, and contribute to the continuing evolution of CV fellowship management. Each Standing Committee is chaired by a member of our Board of Directors, and each sub-committee is chaired by and consists of members of the FACET group. We welcome your participation. Please contact the committee chair for more information or to join!


Chair: Eva Menuier

Nominating Committee
Chair: Eva Menuier, meunieem@uc.edu
Members: Kristin Liska and Nickole Newlin

Bylaws/Org Structure
Chair: Lisa Schirtz-Carroll, schirtzl@upstate.edu
Members: Anna Adams, Carolyn Bowers

Chair: Erica Santos

Resource Library/Member Hub
Chair: Mylessa Wheeler
Members: Jeanette Wheeler
Lisa Shirtz-Carroll
Carolyn Bowers

Wellness Education and Resource Committee
Co-Chairs: Eva Meunier and Sara Luna
Members: Rosa Moran
Barbara Rodgers

Planning Committee
Co-Chairs: Lisa Schirtz-Carroll, schirtzl@upstate.edu and Stephanie Plummer
Mylessa Wheeler
Morgan Morris
Tracy Curtiss
Kristin Liska
Cari Harland
Karen Iavarone
Stacey Wice
Anna Adams
Laura Epnett
Theresa Teske

Chair: Stephanie Plummer

Chair: Nancy Floyd, nfloyd@marshall.edu
Members: Adrienne Bawcum
Erica Santos
Nickole Newlin
Candice Edwards

New Member Welcome and Engagement
Chair: Twyla Sumpter
Members: Barbara Rodgers

Annual Conference – The FACET Annual Conference provides an outstanding range of education and professional development opportunities. Spanning multiple days during the ACC Scientific Sessions meeting, the agenda is targeted for program administrators of all experience-levels and strives to include the most relevant and requested topics each year. Contact the Planning Committee Chairs (see above) with a suggestion for a session topic or your interest as a speaker.

To view presentations from past conferences, click here >>>