Register For Advancing the CV Care of the Oncology Patient; Submit Science by Nov. 28
In this contemporary treatment era, the entire team needs to understand the different types of cancers and cancer therapies and their associated cardiovascular risks to help mitigate associated cardiovascular complications. Join top experts and course chairs, Ana Barac, MD, PhD, FACC, and Bonnie Ky, MD, MSCE, FACC, Feb. 9-11 in Washington, DC and virtually, for ACC's Advancing the Cardiovascular Care of the Oncology Patient. Learn about emerging strategies and best practices to manage the health of cancer patients in your everyday practice and stay on the leading edge of this rapidly evolving field. Register by Oct. 31 to secure your spot at the lowest rates. Plus, submit abstracts and cases on the topic of cardio-oncology by Nov. 28 for a chance to present your research to leading experts in the field. Learn more.