Expert Analyses Provide Insight Into Cardiac Surgery Techniques and Procedures
In a recent Expert Analysis, Michael S. Firstenberg, MD, FACC, et al. explore the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in adult patients with cardiovascular disease. “Historically, ECMO has been considered technically difficult to initiate and manage. However, current peripheral cannulation techniques, integrated portable pump systems, as well as established management guidelines are comparable to percutaneous/catheter-directed therapies routinely performed in the cardiac catheterization laboratory or hybrid operating rooms.” Meanwhile, in a separate Expert Analysis, Jack Rychik, MD, examines the successes and challenges of patient care after the Fontan procedure. “Health care providers have an obligation to these patients to be as aggressive with understanding and managing the long-term consequences after Fontan as in the development of the surgical intervention in the first place.” Interested in more cardiac surgery-related content? Take a Patient Case Quiz to test your knowledge of the next best surgical approach in managing a hypertensive male with a previously repaired type A aortic dissection who presents with enlarging thoracic aorta. Check out the Cardiac Surgery Clinical Topic Collection for the latest clinical updates.