Register For the International Early Career Member Meet & Greet Event
The International Early Career Working Group is hosting its inaugural Meet & Greet event on Saturday, March 26 at 11 a.m. ET. Our goal is to translate the benefits of ACC membership to our colleagues, no matter where in the world our careers take us. We have found that membership in ACC has provided rich networking, career advice, education, and partnership opportunities. This Meet & Greet event serves as another way to connect with International Early Career members and non-members. You never know where connections may lead! Domestic Early Career members are also welcome to join.
Note: This event will take place online using the Remo networking platform. It is best accessed through a computer (not a phone) and you will need your camera and microphone on to fully participate. You will register for this event AND access the event through the RSVP link above. Save this link on your calendar for easy access on March 26.