Review Addresses Multimorbidity and CVD in Care of Complex Older Adults
Incorporating recommendations for multimorbidity into clinical decision-making, critical knowledge gaps and research priorities may optimize care of complex older patients with cardiovascular disease, according to a state-of-the-art-review paper published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC). The review was based on a two-day multidisciplinary workshop convened by the ACC and the National Institutes on Aging, in collaboration with the American Geriatrics Society. The workshop identiļ¬ed challenges and opportunities for advanced precepts of multimorbidity, resources for integrating multimorbidity into research and clinical care, and targets such as practice guidelines and methods to assess and record patients' priorities as part of a shift from disease-focused to patient-centered care. Read more. Also check out a focus seminar on cardiovascular disease in the elderly in a recent issue of JACC.