JACC FIT/Early Career Section: How Fellows Can Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Cardiology

The cardiology workforce lacks adequate diversity and inclusion and needs improved representation of racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority groups. While many efforts concentrate on the role of professional societies and academia, ACC Fellows in Training (FITs) are in a unique position to make an impact and foster an inclusive environment within their field through advocacy and allyship. In a Fellows in Training and Early Career Section article in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Joyce Njoroge, MD, Quentin Youmans, MD, MSc, and Sarah Chuzi, MD, MSc, present four actionable strategies for FITs to achieve this goal:

  1. Lead diverse teams of trainees with intention
  2. Respond to micro- and macroaggressions against team members
  3. Mentor and sponsor aggressively and broadly
  4. Advocate for change to program leadership

By harnessing the power of awareness, allyship, and advocacy, FITs can do their part to prioritize and promote diversity in the workforce. Read the full article.

In a response to the article, Robert O. Roswell, MD, FACC, explains, "As a medical community, we must build deep pipelines that support the education and recruitment of under-represented groups to medicine by engaging with their communities and advocating for equity in the education system. We must understand empirically and work to change the inequitable structures of our society and health system, which fail far too many. Our challenges are great, but so, too, are the rewards of a more equitable, diverse, inclusive society. As the authors state, we all have to do our part."