Editor’s Corner | ACC Celebrates American Heart Month

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February marks American Heart Month, a dedicated time to raise public awareness about cardiovascular disease, its many risk factors and the latest in prevention and treatment.

Proclaimed by President Lyndon B. Johnson (Proclamation 3566) on Dec. 30, 1963, with the first "official" Heart Month taking place in February 1964, American Heart Month has since helped to elevate heart disease as a public health issue that can only be solved by people coming together to eat healthier, move more, know their numbers and play an active role in their own health.

This February, the ACC has activities planned throughout the month aimed at highlighting the importance of increased awareness and action around the prevention of heart disease.

Of note, the College will be supporting the Association of Black Cardiologists in their American Heart Month and Black History Month national initiatives, as well the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in their #OurHearts national campaign.

Other specific Heart Month-related awareness activities, include:

World Cancer Day (Feb. 4)

The ACC supported the Union for International Cancer Control's World Cancer Day initiative through the sharing of cardio-oncology research and patient tools on social media. For ongoing updates, research and viewpoints on cardio-oncology make sure to sign up for e-alerts from JACC: CardioOncology.

National Wear Red Day (Feb. 7)

ACC members and staff looked bright in red as part of National Wear Red Day to raise awareness about heart disease in women.

Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Week (Feb. 7-14)

The College supported Mended Little Hearts' Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Awareness Week through the sharing of CHD research and patient tools on social media. Join the conversation via #CHDAware on Twitter and check out ACC's CardioSmart website for patient education tools and resources.

Cardiac Rehab Awareness Week (Feb. 9-15)

The College supported the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) through the sharing of cardiac rehab research and patient tools on social media. Missed the conversation? Search #CRWeek20 on Twitter.

Heart Failure Awareness Week (Feb. 9-15)

The College supported the Heart Failure Society of America in efforts to increase awareness about the severity of heart failure with a focused Twitter Chat on Feb. 12. Search #HFChat2020 and #HFWeek2020 on Twitter to catch the highlights. An entire track at ACC.20/WCC is dedicated to heart failure and cardiomyopathies.

National Donor Day (Feb. 14)

The College supported donors and their families through sharing heart transplant research and patient tools on social media.

Heart Valve Disease Awareness Day (Feb. 22)

The College will be partnering with the Alliance for Aging Research to host a Twitter chat on Wednesday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. ET on Heart Valve Disease. To join the conversation, follow #ValveDiseaseDay on Twitter.

The College will be hosting two Tweetorials on Saturday, Feb. 22 at 9 a.m. ET to help spread the word about valve disease and keep patients and clinicians informed about the latest research and treatments available to help save lives. Follow both @ACCinTouch and @CardioSmart on Twitter to participate.

Follow along with these activities on Twitter via @ACCinTouch and @CardioSmart and on Facebook and check out clinician tools and related research on ACC's new Instagram account (@americancollegeofcardiology).

Also be sure to share with us how you are celebrating #HeartMonth by tagging #CardiologyMag.

On behalf of the College and Cardiology, thank you for all that you do each and every month to transform cardiovascular care and improve heart health.

While heart disease still remains the #1 cause of mortality worldwide, we have made unbelievable strides since the first Heart Month more than 55 years ago. These strides could not have happened without the dedication, professionalism, advocacy and passion of cardiovascular clinicians worldwide.

Happy Heart Month and Thank YOU!

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John Gordon Harold, MD, MACC, is professor of medicine at Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute, and David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and a past president of the ACC.

Clinical Topics: Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular Care Team, Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathies, Invasive Cardiovascular Angiography and Intervention, Valvular Heart Disease, Cardiac Surgery and Heart Failure, Cardiac Surgery and VHD, Acute Heart Failure, Heart Transplant, Interventions and Structural Heart Disease

Keywords: ACC Publications, Cardiology Magazine, Social Media, Cardiovascular Diseases, Risk Factors, Public Health, Anniversaries and Special Events, Heart Transplantation, Heart Diseases, Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathies, Heart Valve Diseases, Neoplasms, Longitudinal Studies

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